By Jennifer Hough
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
THE Controller and Auditor General must investigate how funds given to a Cork-based charity for survivors of institutional abuse were spent, Labour TD Sean Sherlock has said.
Mr Sherlock said there were “too many glaring inconsistencies” in relation to the organisation, Right of Place, which has received millions of euro in taxpayers’ money over the past 10 years.
The organisation is currently at the centre of a power struggle between its founder, Noel Barry, and a new committee seeking to take over the running of the charity.
Mr Sherlock recently tabled a series of parliamentary questions in relation to the running of Right of Place, one of which asked for a breakdown of how funding was used.
The Cork TD said the answers he received from the HSE were completely inadequate, and that the public demanded more detailed answers.
He said he would be asking further questions, and the person in the HSE responsible for signing over so much money to Right of Place needed to come forward and give an account of how the money was spent.
Meanwhile, the head survivor group, Alliance, called on Mr Barry, the head of Right of Place, to resign.
Tom Hayes said he raised concerns with the C&AG, and the Department of Education years ago.
“We were ignored and told it was ‘in group fighting’ – even though we are not the same group as Right of Place. As far as I know no action was never taken.”
Mr Hayes said there were about 70 members of Right of Place in Cork who were now contacting him as they could not get the help they needed in Cork.
“These are people who are wondering about education funding, if their applications have been processed, some may have concerns over medical cards and health benefits or need counselling,” Mr Hayes said.
“The offices, as far as I am aware, are closed. People need access to the building, there is often no answer when you phone up.
“Because of what is going on, we are getting more and more people ringing us. We simply are not able to cope with the influx,” he said.
A former member of Right of Place, Timothy O’Donoghue, said he felt compelled to raise the red flag after attending an AGM in 2004.
As well as writing to CORI, the Departments of Education and Health asking them to re-evaluate their monetary contributions, Mr O’Donoghue said he forwarded individual complaints about the group he received from members.
While Mr O’Donoghue has a fax confirmation document proving he sent the complaint to the Department of Education, a spokesperson for the department said it had not located any record of this complaint having been received or dealt with in 2004.
The Irish Examiner.
can any one out there tell me is there anywhere in tralee co kerry where a suriviour of such abuse in one of the state run SCHOOLS/CHILD TORTURE PRISONS/can go too seek help for my basic needs as im just after moveing to tralee and am in dire need of some sort of help and it just is not forth comeing from the useul state run insituations/what a surprise/so if any one knows of any office or person that i could contact i would be very greatful for the information as im at my wits end now at the moment sincerely
I am livid over the way Right of Place Cork under the leadership of Noel Barry is been ran for a number of years. I live in Tralee where alot of past residents live. Up to 2005 we had an office in Tralee.
The only thing wrong with the running of the place was the chairperson.
Her total lack of sympathy.
and big bully influences from Noel barry and other members of Right of Place Kerry and Cork did not help
Once a bully always one!
The people that ran and run these two offices. Should not hsve been allowed to under no circimstances
No RESPECT or experience what so ever to talk to people in a dignified manner.
I wish I had taped the meetings
you would not believe how these people spoke to me personaly and other members.Frightening some times of the rage these people had inside them.
i have seen it 1st hand.
In July 2005 the offices of Right of place Trslee wre closed
no notification – only abuse……….
3 dsys prior to our office been closed.
we arranged to do a fundraise for our office. A permit from the guards was granted . The people of tralee and beyond were very supportive and still are
To my knowledge 10,000 Euros was raised enough to keep the office in Tralee run sufficently,
The H,S.E, had paid the rental of the place
The chairpersons of both places took the money we colected up to Cork.I cant believe nobody asked questions.
I did and i am paying for it still constantly been verbally abused by these people
A week- prior to the office closing. A meeting was held . nothing was said about our office.
The 4 persons sitting on top table were 4 past residents themselves.
I recieved a washing machine prior to the meeting from Right of Place Tralee.
I asked a question through the chairperson and was told to shut up.
and i was lucky i was after getting a waching machine from them.
I could not believe what I was hearing
Confidentially broken straighrt away
It has also happened to quite a few others also.
I travelled to Cork the following week with a letter from members of RIGHT OF PLACE TRALEE.
I spoke to Noel Barry and he could not tell me much . Only it will all be said at the next meeting. i told him i was going straight back to Tralee
He said i could go to WELCOME HOUSE and get breakfast.
after finising brakfast a pass resident who was visiting ireland and staying started to chat to me .
As i was leaving . I was PHYSICALLY ATTACKED by Geraldine Burke who worked there.
This women was never in an institution and should not have been there. I never said a word to her but she knew me from the meetings.SHE LAUGHED IN MY FACE
I phoned the guards but asked me to report it to the Guards in Tralee.
I rang Noel Barry to tell him what happened.
He has the letter on file.
Every time I contact the office I get abbuse
These people have got to go
I have morals and just ringing these people Who call themseves
Right of Place
Some registered and e mails
on a few occasions going back a 3 0r 4 years not once was i listened to.
I want this to stop and these to be kicked out and “investigated”
We have had the same chairperson in Tralee for the past 10 years. I wonder why
I think thats enough to say for now
Thank you
Dorris, as you well know Bernie is a real cracker! Teresa Newton is also doing her bit for the march in your vicinity, so if you network with Teresa she will be glad to meet you, no doubt. Looking forward to meeting you – Brave hearts and brave souls will be reunited on the day.
Paddy, Barry and Hanora and all the other courageous survivors who are marching next month its true I did want revenge for a long time. Even now I don’t know how to heal myself. Time is never a healer in our case. The things the nuns did to us children was totally inhuman. NOW we want what’s ours as Barry says justice. My friend Bernadette Cook and myself are doing all we can to tell people about the march next month. WE WILL BE THERE. we hope to bring a few more on board. As for the catholic church GOLD IS THERE GOD.
Well said, Paddy, Barry, Hanora!!…I can’t wait for the March now…
see you all soon..take care
Notice the rapid response from the Minister of Justice regarding the resignations of two of our TD’s and alleged crimes being committed. When is he going to be so proactive and react as rapidly to the crimes committed by the Church and State of this country on thousands of vulnerable children. Ohh! I forgot! Children, who give a fig about kids – no votes after all! That’s the narrow view – they don’t think long term or of tomorrow that some day those kids grow and will have plenty to say! March 24 is YOUR day! You’re all grown up, march don’t stomp! Dignity not despair! Honey not vinegar! BE PROUD!
IAM 100% behind BARRY but i will not sit down with the church in any way
Barry it’s on its way
AHERN’S motive for bringing in of the redress act WAS,
5% to help survivors
40% to save face of the state
55% to appease the church
You can sum up Cowans involvement
10% to help survivors
20% to appease the church
70% to save face of the Irish government
support Barry it’s our last chance
It’s there somewhere Barry. I remember approving it. Paddy.
Well put Raymond. As far as I’m concerned abuse is an issue that should be of major concern to everyone. Your support is as welcome as that of anyone who was in an institution and abused while there.
As to the other points you’ve made. They are both timely and have my full support. While all the “divide and conquer” stuff is going on, both government and religious orders watching this website, must be rubbing there hands in glee and hoping a few more egos will emerge. Wasn’t it Brendan Behan who said about Irish organisations/committee’s: THE FIRST ITEM ON THE AGENDA IS THE SPLIT. Paddy.
Christy. If you feel an investigation needs to be undertaken – there are many who agree with you – then may I respectfully suggest that you start the ball rolling! Let’s have transparency and honesty. Paddy.
It took me years to understand Karma. Now that I do, I understand perfectly what you mean Hanora.
All of these groups are being forensically analysed at present so what do you think the outcome to their shenanigans should be? A lot of information has come to light that will be published in a short space of time. I know what I’d like to do to them. But of course, I don’t purport to speak for ALL of us as the Bellows of Clonmel does!
A solicitor in Clonmel and I went to the Dept. of Health last summer with information they didn’t even have on the structure of Right of Place and they did nothing! We told them of this new ‘committee’ (has to be said with Cork accent) and how they were of the same ilk as Noel Barry. Would you trust someone who throws knives around in an office environment? If you want to lodge a complaint their details are as follows 046 928 0697 and their emails are as follows and What I would like to know is there any foundation to the rumour that Noel Barry has received a further 40,000 euro from the HSE? DO SOMETHING AND STOP WHINGING!
this is awful! my family struggles to survive and here is this crook getting away with daylight robbery – who’s tom haze?
It has now become clear that a GARDA investigation needs be undertaken into ALL of the SO called survivors groups NOW
WE must all complain to our TDs NOW.
I cringe every time I see the same certain people on behalf of the same certain organizations, appear in the Press and on the News. Whatever their personal agendas or motivations are, in my opinion they are causing GREAT DAMAGE to the cause, especially as we gear up to the March.
I am not a victim of institutional abuse and I do not claim to know from your point of view or to represent you, but I am on your side and have enough insight to feel that I can speak (I believe I DID already mention Alice Miller here).
I wish I could say that I represent the general public, the community at large, but unfortunately it is not the case. But how I dream that they would ALL join and march with you next month. There is no doubt that a great number of Victims will turn up; but ALL of Dublin should be there; the entire population should be there, to PROTEST, and to SUPPORT you.
It is fascinating to think that the Heave-o, The TIPPING POINT could come from any quarter now: a medical card turned down; another victimized group; a smile (sniggering) too far…. It was quite evident on the Front Line the other night, how ANGRY the young Irish people are (having been so cheated, misled and let down (Bill Cullen lost my vote that night too). THEY are the ones – the students, the qualified apprentices and graduates, the communities workers – whom I want to see on the march. As I’ve said before, I am conviced that the issue of Abuse (Ryan, Murphy…etc) IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO ADDRESS. This POISON has permeated EVERY FIBER AND CELL OF IRISH SOCIETY. This DEADLY ATTITUDE of TOLERANCE and INDIFFERENCE is the root cause of EVERY PROBLEM today (Yes, the banks, the government, crime…) and this is why it is SO important that THE GENERAL PUBLIC join on the 24th of March.
Why are the wrong people getting so much Press? Where are the journalists who know the truth?? Where are the gagging orders and Injunctions?? We need First Aid, DAMAGE CONTROL, U R G E N T L Y. We need to work together with the PUBLIC to bring them onboard, and not risk to ALIENATE them in the least.
It is very clear that EVERYBODY IS HURTING (including the “certain people” referred to earlier. The whole family is in disarray. All the kids are fighting each other (still trying to get the parents’ love and approval – WHEN THERE IS NONE TO BE GOT !!!) – (read here CHURCH and GOVERNMENT too). Jousting and lambasting each other doesn’t help either. It should be very obvious from all around us, that “moving on, letting go, turning the page, getting real or getting a grip – and please save me from forgiveness!!!” hasn’t happened and doesn’t work when the truth remains suppressed and justice doesn’t see its day. And moving away is not always possible.
Of course I want to be positive. Human Nature IS good (has been proved!). Could Stephen Fry be made compulsive viewing?
On your side.