It would appear that the findings from the recently released report on

child abuse in Ireland is having positive impacts with the media,

politicians and maybe even those responsible for years of organised,

ongoing abuse.

The issue now appears to the be to achieve equity. One of the main ways

to achieve this is payment and amount of damages to be paid by those


A settlement between Church and State, previously arrived at, is now,

at last seen by most as completely flawed, forcing politicians and

others in positions in power to backtrack on what they achieved in

their “Secret Deal”.

Can someone explain how the original amount was calculated in the above

mentioned document and if so, was the level of abuse known or fully


Did some civil servant sit in their office, making calculations on the

perceived value of a rape, a beating or even a death?

Did the rate for these vary, depending on the frequency of one of these


Did the costs vary from institution to institution?

We can’t move forward or consider what the payment level should be

until it is known how the original figure was calculated.

In addition, we need to know the schedule of repayments agreed was

adhered to and honoured by the organisations responsible for this

immovable slur on Ireland.

If property was not handed over at the time of the agreement, then have

these religious authorities have gained value from the then increasing

values for property and land prices, possibly even to the extent of

removing much, if not most of the financial penalties they incurred for

their management of these “centres of pain”.

I know that whatever amount is finally agreed and extracted, can never

make up for each individuals pain and suffering.

It will also never account for the social, health and other economic

costs that have continued as a result of their actions.

Those that pay taxes pay are and will pay for the damage done, directly

or indirectly.

The State misused their position and the Church, through these

organisations abused the public donations, who by their support bought,

paid and maintained these centres.

Secret Deal Between Church and State


2 Responses to “Secret Deal Between Church and State”

  1. Paddy says:

    Hi Toby,

    Thanks for the comment. I have to admit to being somewhat pleased to see the that Blustering Bertie is being forced to shut his trap! How can Bertie and Smiling Michael Woods be pleased with this farce of a Secret Deal that served only to insult those of us who were abused while in the care of the State and Religious Orders.

    You’re right Toby, there’s no turning back now. We’ve got to keep this thing going and not let it fade into the mist of time.

  2. toby says:

    Congratulations, Paddy, after your long years of struggle, something has been achieved. The Orders have been publicly shamed, and their arrogance shown up.

    I rejoice to see that blusterer, Bertie Ahern, forced to shut up about the “great deal” he made and his “pride” in the part he played. Yeah, Bertie, bet you made sure the priests saw you with the Ash Wednesday marks. That’s the true style of an Irish politician, “timid and differential” to the last.

    Well Done, Paddy, to all of you, it does not repair the hurt fully, but I think there is no turning back.