Catholic Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin has been urged to come out more strongly in opposition to budget cuts to the carers’ allowance.

On RTÉ television’s Frontline on Monday night Dr Martin said that caring for people in their homes, particularly the elderly, “is an investment in humanity”. He noted that institutional care was a more expensive option than home-based care.

He also said that where proposed budget cuts were concerned, “maybe the formula there for carers or other minority groups may not be the right one” .

He also said that cuts in universal benefits led to a situation where “it’s the weakest who feel the pain”.

Where a U-turn was concerned he felt such would be “appropriate after examining the facts, rather than as a knee-jerk reaction”.

Paddy Doyle, a disability activist for 40 years, was in his wheelchair among those protesting outside the Dáil yesterday against cuts in the carers’ allowance.

He said he felt that “something stronger from Diarmuid Martin would have been a bit more powerful than a bunch of us out there . I don’t think he came out hard enough.”

The Irish Times December 12th 2012


27 Responses to “Archbishop urged to be more forceful”

  1. robert says:

    THE GOVERNMENT AND THE RELIGIOUS KNEW ONLY TOO WELL OF THE ONSLAUGHT OF ABUSE AND FEARED GREATLY THE OUTCOME, It was the early groups who got greedy about themselves and looked for witnesses, but them thousands of survivors came forward, the trouble was in the beginning these groups ( the minority ) were already making deals with both Government and Religious, and the more that came forward the more powerful these individuals felt about themselves. The problem was they were so self aware of their own cases and looked sole to the money they never gave one thought to the damage that was about to occur. They decided to take it upon themselves to be representatives as the groups got larger they set up the rules from deals even before the unfortunate survivors came forward. They already had full insight and knowledge of their deals with the Religious and Government alike. Now it is the Governments job and the Religious to save money firstly just as they both did in the beginning when we were all children the main reason to lead to the abuses that took place, no one gave one thought on the safety of the children and women alike. Power was rampant then as it was now they are both of the very same greed and filth. Here we have all three Government, Religious and groups controlling the situation, we as survivors did not matter as people but as to what it will all cost. They all three have divided like a surgeon they cut our childhood separate from our adult lives, yet here is the contradiction, they all believe that what happened to you as a child effects your outcome as an adult.
    It is the very words of Minister Quinn spear heading for his 50 50 deal and education fund for his own office.
    It is this area where the Government Religious and groups have failed every single report including redress as to leaving survivors out there in the cold as adults.
    The redress is said by solicitors of Redress to help improve survivors lifestyles, yes this is their words and their beliefs, yet people who slipped over in places like Mac Donnalds or Burger King have earned more redress than those who suffered a whole like of abuse.
    WHERE THESE REPORTS FAIL AND THE REDESS IS THERE WAS NO PROPER SYSTEM SET-UP to help guide survivors to support survivors to try at least heal survivors if that could ever happen. NO INSTEAD THEY REMOVED ALL HARDSHIP FUNDS WHERE THE POOREST SURVIVORS RELIED UPON EVEN BEFORE THIS PRESENT RECESSION, yet it does not even dent their system with the banks, it does not have to brake the wallet of the Government and Religious, it just takes due care and attention a plan, like for instance the homeless, there are hundreds if not thousands of empty homes around Ireland put them in the homes. The sick and the lonely HSE can send a helper out to their homes and I say this BOLLOCKS TO THE CLAIMED COSTS they are paid very little indeed as we all know. Survivors with families suffer cuts and all have to dig very deep to survive from their redress and because of redress this is the truth IT IS SEEN AS SUFFICIENT SAVINGS.
    Now those group leaders have got their highest paid redress they are GONE NOT TO BE SEEN, GONE NOT TO CARE THE RAPE HAS TAKEN PLACE YET AGAIN OF SURVIVORS LIVES WHO ARE ALL OUT THERE STRUGGLING ONCE AGAIN AS IF THE WHOLE REDRESS REPORTS OF ABUSE NEVER HAPPENED. It is very very sick indeed a scar reopened and left to fester without any care. So congratulations to you so called groups you became the abuser of over 18000 survivors now you all got your money and fecked off.

  2. robert says:

    I had just found my mother and set eyes on her for the very first time in real life for a few seconds dead on a slab please this is not about family life it is about the places I never belonged in and what happened in those places. full stop. Justice not just for me but for every woman and child who suffered in those slave concentration camps.

  3. pauline says:

    Part of the reason i dont trust these men is because of the way thay work. In one case i read that a bishop had informed him that being honest was right except when a priest thinks that others dont deserve the truth. this was to a young man who was worried that he might be homosexual. since i read this i feel its a dodgy lot to be in childcare in any way at all. it means that thay cant be trusted at all. why do irish kids get twice as much religous lessons as everywhere else. its because of the fear of the church.

  4. Martha says:

    Robert wrote:-

    “My aim on here is to make my views on my experiences/ suffering and how it has been dealt with so far.”


    The first person you need to acknowledge is yourself. Most other Irish people (myself included) are so busy trying to make your their own lives work, and that all depends on the beliefs they value, as adults and/or parents. Notwithstanding the fact that we – all of us Irish (regardless of where we live on the planet) – have our own personal history of Roman Catholicism and how it affected our psychological development as a child.

    Sorry for the “rant”, but the fact is, Robert, we all have to come to terms with, i.e., make sense of our own personal history. Otherwise we are stuck in our childhood past – as so many Irish adults are, unfortunately.

  5. pauline says:

    well its good news that the report will soon be dealt with. The wages of the women who were working should be paid including old age pensions. thay earned it.There are big rows going on over here because of the churchs demonstration this sunday. Thay are keeping gay marriage in the limlight. There was a sugestion by the church leaders to discuss this in schools. its out of the question as sex education is the perents role. but the row goes on. thay arent in the same situation as in ireland.

  6. Mary Collins says:

    Robert thanks for the above link. i am angry a report had to be created for people to believe the truth about the laundries. You wait the truth will be told. I am so sad for my mum sister and all those dear ladies that suffered.Robert were all born into this world with nothing and leave the world in a coffin that means nothing.. It dose not matter who your parents are or is it more important to be born with wealth and a roof over your head no it isn’t my mum was poor she had nothing but her family and children which no money can replace they were taken from her she had strength and courage . What make you a good person is reaching out to people who need help and having good values.

  7. Robert says:

    Martha please you have no idea about my parents just as I do not have yours but I read what you are saying and I do understand lets leave it there ok?
    My aim on here is to make my views on my experiences/ suffering and how it has been dealt with so far.

  8. Martha says:

    And a Happy New Year to you too, Mary Collins.


  9. Martha says:

    Christina wrote:-

    ” … The Catholic Church in Ireland controlled our education system, our justice system, our hospitals, our government and I think it would be accurate to say too that they held parents by the neck also.

    With respect, Christina, I think the Catholic Church STILL maintains control of our Social systems. At any rate, it is trying to keep control over our schools and health services etc., and I’m speaking from personal experience here: I’ve been :around the block a few times” – especially as a mother …

    “Many parents turned a blind eye to the appalling ways these nuns and priests treated their children.”

    Spot one there, Christina. My own mother had a very ambivalent relationship with Catholic Ireland, but she always sided with the sadistic nuns and teachers, regardless of what they did to us, her children. It took me years to figure out how and why she could actually do that. But, she did have a Death Bed Confession, whereby she renounced the Catholic Church – not that it did us (her children) any good …

    “I don’t know Martha’s story, but it’s my guess she needs this forum as much as we do.”

    I don’t really need this forum, I’m busy getting on with my life, as I’ve always done. I just like to pop in here and say my bit, for what its worth.

    Thank you,anyway, Christina, and I wish you all the best for 2013 too :)


  10. Martha says:

    Robert wrote:-

    “My own experiences make me think and if only you knew, we are not aliens who were in the schools remember, we ALL had parents.”

    Dear Robert,

    Im not trying to offend you. And yes I do know what it was like to grow up in “Holy Catholic Ireland” and the fact that we all had parents.

    But not all parents – especially in that RC climate – were willing or able to nurture their children because of their own fear of the Catholic Church.

    In fact, I would say that a small minority of Irish parents – not only of that era (I’m talking about the 1950’s) – but even today, know how to nuture their childrens’ Humanity.

    That’s just my view. You don’t have to agree with it, Robert.

    All the best to you for 2013.


  11. Mary Collins says:

    Christina no excuses all of Ireland are guilty of degrading treatment of innocent children women babies and every living creature that was helpless. All these holy mothers that had there children with them attended church every Sunday listening to reading from the bible knowing full well children and women were been abused. As a child who was there for you and me no one ever gave me a hug or touched me or made me feel special. I taught I was special when they were abusing me at least I felt human touch that how bad it was. There was nobody there for us but the evil nuns in black,You see we are meant to accept what happened to us no one was put on trial for the degrading treatment of my mother and sister and my whole family.Martha you had a lucky escape you were not in these terrible places. Anyway Happy New year to you .

  12. pauline says:

    Since ireland is in a situation in the europien get togethers thay could start by looking at europien laws. the delay in setteling things is appalling. a few weeks ago thay dident manage the referendom without bringing the church into it to dictate how people should vote. Many questions about the profitable institutions such as the magdelaine laundrys are not answered yet.

  13. Christina says:

    I know what you’re saying Robert and I understand well what Mary’s talking about too, the constant dread, the fear of the next beating, the next attack and even though I left my childhood prison many years ago, it still affects my life today.
    The effects of the Catholic Church in Ireland are far reaching and have had such devastating consequences on the lives of so many people and not just those of us reared in institutions. The Catholic Church in Ireland controlled our education system, our justice system, our hospitals, our government and I think it would be accurate to say too that they held parents by the neck also. Many parents turned a blind eye to the appalling ways these nuns and priests treated their children. I see it this way, we had no one to defend us and that is heartbreaking but how awful too must it have been for a child who had parents who witnessed that their parents, through fear or other, were just as helpless and powerless as they were against a nun or priest? How does that child ever feel safe again?
    I don’t know Martha’s story, but it’s my guess she needs this forum as much as we do.

  14. robert says:

    The Irish Government has robbed survivors blind Minister Quinn and His predessor set up an Education fund firstly for survivorsBEFORE ANY REAL SUPPORT NEEDED, If the Catholic church is to do what is right they must realise firstly they owe their 50% to all survivors of both prisons of children and women they took the lives from in a dictator rule through slavery and abuse.
    Bishops should be hushed up by the Government as they are NOT respocible for running this country, at present they are criminals who have not paid the compensation in full, and the Government have not taken their resposibility for protecting survivors or being honest in their approach but just spouting lies that most survivors agree with all dealings this includes the Religious Shrine titled a Memorial.
    WHERE IS THE PROOF THAT THE MAJORITY OF THOSE FUNDS were benefitted by SURVIVORS who actually needed it? I bet it was family members who did most not that I am against these members but I do have my suspicion that SURVIVORS THEMSELVES WERE THE MINORITY THUS THIS WAS ALL A FAILURE ON THE GOVERNMENTS BEHALF AGAIN JUST AS THEY WERE ALL CHILDREN. False statements are being made to the Public and the Media as you Minister have not contacted all survivors ever like your predessor of the Education Office of Ireland. Once more young children were not included in any funds, I can proove this to your Disgrace the religious and both your Mafia styed Groups. I assure you Minister this will never go away many survivors are writing their views and thousands even millions will always know you failed the complete lives of those you all admitted to have abused and treated as alaves. SHAME SHAME SHAME ON ALL OF YOU.
    How dare you Minister and all parites who have devided the childhood from adulthood of survivors, each survivor has one life and that is not two different issue ,
    If I am wrong then please proove who benefitted from you false claims that Education is what survivors needed most.

  15. Mary Collins says:

    Well Robert your right how dare she compare her life to the children and women who were locked away . At Ieast M had her freedom and family.What did we have darkness fear and abuse. Do not let her comments get you down your worth more than someone who believes she clever. She sounds sad and lonely to me take pity on her. You have strength and courage what has M got her family which she moans about , Her family worshipped the catholic church and they two turned a blind eye of the abuse of women and children.

  16. robert says:

    And finally I write here on this site with one direction as I trust all survivors do to get justice one for all and all for one, I was on a site once like this one with the same cause, then survivors were offending one another so I just simply pull away from it. It is very obvious when we write our views we do not mean to compare but to make points regarding the continious damage toward survivors since the Government, the Religious and those mafia styled groups choose to ignor the truth that they are still causing the very same damage to the very same people by REFUSING to put a SYSTEM in place that would at least give survivors some dignity where redress is protected from being used up on hardship funds where once before redress they would be entitled to. The redress was means tested it ment one thing and one thing only to save all three companies MONEY.
    Education fund like I said for the retired, rest homes, homeless, disabled, rural living, mental health, dental care, eye care, wheelchairs, clothing, home care, etc etc etc no this education minister has refused to see the truth, so he can charge survivors for the 110 million to fund his own office firstly .
    This Statutory fund is the very same it is written to the public at large, the media and so on but NOTHING on how survivors can have support and protection or a system where they can get the support

  17. pauline says:

    We do all get born of perents. So many familys were torn apart that there is no way back. Its a lifetime time of being an outcast.Lots of familys could have been kept together but it was the industriel schools that were a priorety because thay claimed children for thier workforce. The church is still trying to run Ireland as the referendem proved. The government cooperate with them so of course the image of the good little catholic nation goes on.

  18. robert says:

    Please understand one thing Martha you have quoted me before on this site but remember I do not stand before you as my judge I do not know you or you me, but on here survivors are writing about there own hurt I am not trying to COMPARE but just FIND JUSTICE AND HEALING. So please back off, as you are just winding me up.
    I do not need it especially at the moment ok? leave my name out of you views I never use your name to make a point.

  19. robert says:

    This is never about comparison it is about the Damage done by both STATE AND RELIGOUS MADNESS.

  20. robert says:

    by the way WE STILL DO have families.
    I think NOTHING just trying to make sense and find answers to why we all suffered in those prison schools and are still suffering due to the damage these places did. What happens in our family lives is another story who parents were also in those prison schools and their parents in prison schools.

  21. robert says:

    My own experiences make me think and if only you knew, we are not aliens who were in the schools remember, we ALL had parents.

  22. Martha says:

    Robert wrote:-

    “Childhood influences the future of a life, this is written everywhere by professionals in every area regarding this issue.
    Institutionalized children will never have the same life as those in family upbringing.”


    What makes you think (believe) that those of us Irish who did not grow up in RC institutions, such as the so-called Industrial Schools and Magdalene Laundries, were not also institutionalised?

    A great many of us were raised by parents, especially by mothers, who believed themselves to be Roman Catholic in order to be Irish.

    Crazy, I know, but true.

    And we (Irish) are still living with the consequences of that madness …

  23. Martha says:

    From the article:-

    “On RTÉ television’s Frontline on Monday night Dr Martin said that caring for people in their homes, particularly the elderly, “is an investment in humanity”. He noted that institutional care was a more expensive option than home-based care.”

    For a start, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin (of Dublin) was given a “private hearing” by Pat Kenny, the “host” of the Frontline programme, so that Diarmuid Martin wouldn’t be subjected to any Real Debate …

    Secondly, Diarmuid Martin is SO institutionalised himself he wouldn’t know how to hold a Normal conversation with anyone – not wearing glittery frocks like he does, He may mean well, (who knows?) but, as I say, he is too institutionalised …

    “He also said that where proposed budget cuts were concerned, “maybe the formula there for carers or other minority groups may not be the right one” .”

    Whether he likes it or not, Doc Martin is now an integral part of the “minority” that once had great control over the Irish populace – ruled by force, of course …

    “He also said that cuts in universal benefits led to a situation where “it’s the weakest who feel the pain”.”

    Is Doc Martin FEELING the pain of his lifelong dedication to the Roman Catholic Church? He’s still wearing the Glitter …

    Etc …

  24. robert says:

    Childhood influences the future of a life, this is written everywhere by professionals in every area regarding this issue.
    Institutionalized children will never have the same life as those in family upbringing.

    Are the Government and Religious covering up their true feelings ? are they sorry or very angry because,

    Instead there should be a system set up with very simple guide lines, so that they know just exactly what they are entitled to, where they can go if they have certain needs, How to get those needs met, and Who can be trusted to support them to a conclusion that is fair. Only then survivors can feel protected and secured and supported properly.

    Only 18000 survivors came forward.
    So one main head-office to deal with legal issues if survivors feel they are not being heard, supported or understood. That survivors should be separate from mainstream entitlements.

    Otherwise survivors will be paying back the redress they so deserve and more to the Government who has just not shown any care regarding this matter.

    Remember we are vanishing as age has set upon the many and health is a massive issue here, there will be a time when we will have all gone.
    By then this time will show the truth,

  25. robert says:

    Fear Of The Collar has now become Fear Of The Government.

    Never mind the 110 million euro left from a 50 50 deal between two guilty parties.

    Where is the SYSTEM to insure survivors of abuse have their security they so need.

    1. Housing
    2. Disability
    3. Pensions
    4. Hospitals
    5. Welfare Allowances
    6. Mental health
    7. Family support
    8. CHILDREN of Survivors Development support
    ( this is in place for travelers )
    9. Care workers.

    This is just some of the areas Survivors meet every day of their insure lives.
    Welfare is means tested and proven so for these who received redress.
    There is
    You are told that redress is to improve your life standards ?
    According to who?
    How many survivors are being asked how much redress have you left? when applying for welfare funds.

  26. pauline says:

    Its a very strange decision to make in these times. Institutions such as old peoples homes dont appeal to many of us. if its to fill up a lot of institutions well most people cant afford them and should at least be able to choose for themselves. If thay have a carer at home its better for everyone including the state as thay would be responsable when abuse happens. We all know it allways does.