The Irish Times – Thursday, December 24, 2009

“The welfare of children, which should have been the first priority, was not even a factor to be considered in the early stages. Instead, the focus was on the avoidance of scandal and the preservation of the good name, status and assets of the institution and of what the institution regarded as its most important members – the priests.”

ANALYSIS: A drip, drip of episcopal resignations is adding to the difficulties for survivors of abuse and for the Catholic faithful, writes PATSY McGARRY

ONE TELLING line in Bishop Jim Moriarty’s statement yesterday will have made it extraordinarily difficult for fellow bishops and others mentioned in the Murphy report to stay on in office.

He said: “I accept that, from the time I became an auxiliary bishop, I should have challenged the prevailing culture.” It is the kernel of the issue where all in positions of authority in the archdiocese between January 1st, 1975 and April 30th, 2004 are concerned.

Bishops Éamonn Walsh, Ray Field and Martin Drennan must by now have reached the same conclusion as Bishop Jim Moriarty and Bishop Donal Murray.

While serving as auxiliary bishops in Dublin over the almost 30-year period investigated by the Murphy commission, they should have challenged the prevailing culture of cover-up in the archdiocese where clerical child sex abuse was concerned. They did not.

But Bishop Moriarty went further yesterday. He said: “The Murphy report covers far more than what individual bishops did or did not do. Fundamentally it is about how the leadership of the archdiocese failed over many decades to respond properly to criminal acts against children.”

He could hardly have stated it more clearly or accurately. And while, like the four other serving bishops and others named in the Murphy report, it took him some time to arrive at that point, his action yesterday was not without grace. “I hope it honours the truth that the survivors have so bravely uncovered and opens the way to a better future for all concerned,” he said.

It was a noble sentiment and a welcome acknowledgment of and tribute to the people at the very centre of this calamity – the brave men and women who persisted through years of pain, personal trauma and widespread disbelief to bring out their awful truth.

It serves no one that this agony be prolonged. A drip, drip of episcopal resignations piles on the pressure for survivors, for the Catholic faithful, for fellow bishops and priests, and for the church itself.

Ideally, all men in positions of authority in the church mentioned in the Murphy report should have sorted out their consciences on the matter by the date of publication, November 26th last, and resigned en masse then. At the least, they would have retained some dignity by doing so. They also had the time to arrive at the state of mind which would have allowed them stand down then.

Each had seen excerpts of the report relevant to themselves many months ago, at its draft stage. It was their entitlement in order to check on errors of fact. Each would, most likely, have become immediately alert to the implications for their own positions following publication of the report.

Each would have been aware of the uncompromising stance by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin on the issue of clerical child sex abuse and could hardly have been surprised by his trenchantly expressed views on the December 1st edition of Prime Time.

Despite this, they hung on. Three bishops still hang on. They must realise, as does almost everyone who has been observing events this past month, that they have been badly damaged by close association with a regime which covered up the rape of children.

Where each of those men individually is concerned, that association does not nearly convey the entire picture, but their involvement, even if it amounted to no more than not shouting stop, means they are tainted by that association. They have to stand down. Otherwise their beloved church simply cannot move on. Nor can survivors, the faithful, or Irish Catholicism.

By staying on, they will remain an obstacle to advancement and a focus of distraction, not just for what some clergy like to refer to disparagingly as “the media circus”, but where the institution itself is concerned. Does anyone really believe otherwise?

Bishops Walsh, Field and Drennan are not the only holders of office in the Dublin archdiocese who are in such a predicament. So too is the chancellor Msgr John Dolan and his predecessor Msgr Alex Stenson, currently parish priest in Killester.

Let us remind ourselves why they are in that position. Let us recall the stark findings of the Murphy report where church authorities in the Dublin archdiocese were concerned and of which all these men were a part up to April 30th, 2004. It helps concentrate minds.

The report stated: “The commission has no doubt that clerical child sexual abuse was covered up by the Archdiocese of Dublin and other church authorities over much of the period covered by the commission’s remit. The structures and rules of the Catholic Church facilitated that cover-up . . .

“The welfare of children, which should have been the first priority, was not even a factor to be considered in the early stages. Instead, the focus was on the avoidance of scandal and the preservation of the good name, status and assets of the institution and of what the institution regarded as its most important members – the priests.”

It is indefensible.

Patsy McGarry is Religious Affairs Correspondent


2 Responses to “Resignation statement puts pressure on other bishops”

  1. Andrew says:

    It’s nearly 30 days now since the Murphy Report was published or placed in the public domain – the Report covered a scientific sample of cases covering a 30 year period. Yet on the 9th of April the Archbishop had already a copy of the finished Report – and by extension so did all the bishops – the named bishops that is, yet still they cling on to their privileges, cling on to the illusion of ‘moral authority’. They have no morals and they have no authority.

    It is high time ye put an end to your sitting in authority, which you have dishonoured by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, in the name of God, GO.

  2. barry clifford says:

    Happy Christmas And A Happy New Year For 2010

    “All I can offer you is blood, sweat, toil and tears”. With these words of despair that were spoken with blunt truth yet meant to inspire hope, Winton Churchill, took over as leader of the United Kingdom at the early days of the second world war and in their darkest hour of their history. His un-swerving battle cry was, “never, never, never ever give in”, and with that they followed him into hell so that their country may yet live again. History of course has proved that they would. For us as former prisoners of a more recent war against the God Squads our battle has only recently begun, delayed perhaps by our over riding expectations of others. Now, coming into the New Year this is much to be optimistic about.
    Paddy Doyle, Hanora Brennan, Andrew Brennan, Anna, Portia, Mary, Charles and many others too numerous to mention here, are stepping up to the plate and bringing a lot more than a little something to the table. That alone inspires and encourages others, including me, to come to that table and bring whatever they can to help no matter how big or small. It is how all movements are born and even the not so great.
    To help achieve ours it is hoped that very early in the New Year a march on Dublin will happen with a definitive date soon to be announced. To achieve this with the best of results the hum of networking must begin after the Christmas dinner and before the next one. For those that dined alone or had no dinner at all it must be sooner for you should not be alone again for despite everything there is reason to hope.
    Paddy Doyle’s website, The God Squad, has over 100,000 visitors a month and yet few friends. This is the mark of a man that is either too choosy when picking friends or the other way round, and yet what he has to say and has been saying for years seems to matter. It can only really matter if we take heed of the warning signs that he posts and the posts of others and act accordingly. The bottom line is action. This is our only hurdle for lack of action now can help our demise sooner than later though the mood for it is good, we just cannot afford to be complacent.
    All contacts, information, ideas, and networking is encouraged to be shared between us and take us quickly from grassroots to grassy plains. With this plea I will leave you and hope you enjoy a Christmas dinner. For those who still enjoy a drink, maybe not too much this time for you just might tell others what you really think of them. Wait at least until the morning and a different point if view if you still have one.
    To those recent to the ideas and hopes of the above and need more info, post on Paddy or post on me at email: or phone 0877511113

    Barry Clifford